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Parents’ Association


The Santa Fe Prep Parents’ Association aims to help strengthen the school community through communications, social engagement, and financial support. Last year, the PA contributed a combined total of $30,000 to tuition assistanceBreakthrough Santa Fe, and other important school needs. As every parent at Prep is a member of this active, inclusive, and vital part of our school community, we welcome you to the Parents’ Association.

Parents’ Association meetings take place at 9:00 a.m. on the third Wednesday of every month and are open to all. 

At the start of the school year, you will also be invited to a class meeting where parents from each grade level get together to meet faculty and discuss relevant issues for your grade: how to handle academic stress, the social challenges of middle school, new frontiers in technology for our kids, managing in a new learning environment, etc. 

The Parents’ Association will help host our fall Parent Open House on September 30th—a great window into the educational experience of our children. Other Parents’ Association events include the biennial Fundraising Gala, Rummage Sale, Faculty & Staff Appreciation Lunch, social gatherings, and community book reads.

We are always looking for new ways to build our community.

Have an idea? Share it with us!

PA Meeting Dates/Locations

  • Wednesday Sept. 18, 9am, Library Classroom
  • Wednesday Oct. 16, 9 am, Library Classroom
  • Wednesday Nov. 20, 9 am, Library Classroom
  • Wednesday Jan. 15, 9 am, Library Classroom
  • Wednesday Feb. 19, 9 am, Library Classroom
  • Wednesday Apr. 16, 9 am, Library Classroom
  • Wednesday May 21, 9 am, Library Classroom

Elege Simons Harwood
Heather French

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Welcome New Families
Parent Coffees
Parent Open House
Rummage Sale
Biennial Gala
Community Service
Community Book Read
Faculty & Staff Appreciation
Parent/Family Social events
Service to Santa Fe
Santa Fe Prep Community Support