Dismissed at 2:55 pm. Bus departs at 3:10 pm. Game time is 4:30 pm. Parents provide transport home please.
Bus departs at 10:00 am. All games at Taos EcoPark. BVS @ East Mtn, 1:00 pm. ERT= 5pm.
Bus departs at 6:30 am. All games at Taos EcoPark. BVS @ Bernalillo, 9:00 am. BVS @ LV Robertson, 3:00 pm. ERT= 7pm.
Bus departs at 8 am. All games at Bosque School. GVS @ Socorro, 10:00 am. GVS @ Highland HS, 2:00 pm. ERT= 6pm.
Players dismissed from class at 9am and bus leaves at 9:10. Pool Play at SFIS Pavilion. 10:15 vs Mora, 11:00 vs Escalante. Bracket play TBD by finish in pool play. Game could be as early at 1pm.
Students Dismissed at 12:00 pm. Bus Departs at 12:15 pm.
Location is SFIS Pavilion. Bracket play determined by Friday results in pool play and first round bracket game. Game could be either 9, 10, or 11 am.
Location is Sun Mountain Field. Parking available at SFP or MEA across from the school entrance.
Students dismissed at 8:00 am. Pool play at Capital HS from 0800-1200. Bracket play at 3 0r 5pm depending on pool play results.
This meeting is in the LIC, first room to the right upon entering the Library.
Dismissed at 8:00 am. Games begin 8:30 am. Players likely to miss entire day.
Location: SF Prep Gym. 8:30 vs McCurdy 10:oo vs Cobre 12 noon vs Mora 2:00 vs Navajo Prep Bracket play at SFIS TBD by pool play results.
Location: Sandia Prep, Stadium field. Game details based on Friday results. If win- game at 1:00 pm against winner Hatch Valley/Volcano Vista. If lose- game at 9:00 am against loser Hatch Valley/Volcano Vista. Bus depart 2 hours prior to game time.
Here are the GoFan links Saturday's games: Wednesday, September 27th: https://gofan.co/event/1143661?schoolId=NM8123 Saturday, September 30th: https://gofan.co/event/1143664?schoolId=NM8123
Here are the GoFan links for Saturday's games: Wednesday, September 27th: https://gofan.co/event/1143661?schoolId=NM8123 Saturday, September 30th: https://gofan.co/event/1143664?schoolId=NM8123