Players dismissed at 9:20 am. Bus departs at 9:30 am. Location is Los Altos Golf Club in Albuquerque at 12 noon. Return time is 7pm.
Golden Spike Classic two day event. Location is Capital HS. Field events begin 3 PM. Running events begin 3:30 PM. First students dismissed at 1:25. Bus departs at 1:30. Second group dismissed at 3:30. Second bus departs at 3:40. Parents provide transportation home after event please.
Mixed doubles tournament. SFP rosters TBD. Individual match times TBD. Players responsible for transportation unless requested from Athletic Dept.
Schedule of events TBD. Players responsible for transportation please.
Bus departs at 6:45 am. Tournament at The Canyon Club Golf Course starting at 9 am. Return time 7 pm.
Players dismissed at 1:55 pm. Bus departs at 2 pm. Competition begins at 3:30 pm. Return time 7 pm.
Players dismissed at 12:20 pm. Bus departs at 12:30 pm. Meet is at Sandia Prep School and begins at 3 pm. Return time 9 pm.
Players dismissed at 11:50 pm. Bus departs at 12:00 pm. Location is LV Robertson HS. Competition against Moriarty begins at 1:30 pm. Return time 7 pm.
Parents please provide transportation for a local event. Location is Santa Fe HS. Competition begins at 8:00 am.
Bus departs at 7 am. Location is TBD. Competition begins at 9:00 am. Return time 3 pm.
Bus departs at 7:00 am. Location is LV Robertson HS. Competition against Robertson begins at 9:00 am. Competition against Raton begins at 12:00 pm. Return time 5 pm.
Students dismissed at 2:00 pm. Bus departs at 2:15 pm. Location is Aspen Magnet School. Competition begins at 3:30 pm. Parents please provide transportation home from event.
Students dismissed at 1:30 pm. Bus departs at 1:450 pm. Location is SFIS. Competition begins at 3:00 pm. Parents please provide transportation home from event.
Boys Semifinal Matches. Location is Santa Fe HS. Specific times and locations TBD. Parents provide transportation please.
Players dismissed at 11:10 am. Departure at 11:15 am. Location is Marty Sanchez Links of SF. Competition begins at 1:00 pm. Parents please provide transportation for this event.
Boys Final Matches. Location is Santa Fe HS. Specific times and locations TBD. Parents provide transportation please.
Location is Telluride HS. GVLAX game begins at 11:00 am. Return time 9 pm.
Bus departs at 12 pm. Location is UNM South. Competition begins at 2:30 pm. Return time is 8 pm.
Players dismissed as early as 11:30. Transportation departs at 11:35 for some and later for others, TBD.
Players dismissed as early as 11:30. Location is SF Country Club. Start time is 1:00 pm. Transportation to the event can be arranged through the head coach. Parents please provide transportation home from event.
Competition in Santa Fe. Rounds 1 & 2. Specific game times for singles and doubles team and the location TBD. Doubles Teams: Poshiya/Dolan, Friedland/Kaufman, Weischel/Rosen. Singles: J Anderson-Joyner, T Gilbert, T Koutsouflakis, R Harvey, L Boyd, A Voinescu.
Location is Capital HS. Competition begins at 8:30 am. Parents please provide transportation for this event.
Bus #1 departs at 6:45 am. Bus #2 departs at 8:30 am. Location is LV Robertson HS. Return time TBD.
Location is SF Prep, Sun Mtn Field. GJV LAX vs Bosque at 9:00 am. GVLAX vs DC at 10:30.
Individual Competitions. Girls Singles= Andrea Vionescu. Boys Singles= Jonas Anderson-Joyner and Mateo Gilbert. Boys Doubles= Jackson Friedland/Henry Kaufman. Locations are ABQ Academy and Jerry Cline Tennis Complex. Bracket details can be found on the NMAA website.
Players dismissed at 10:50 am. Bus departs at 11:00 am. Andrea Vionescu, Jonas A-J, Teo Gilbert, Jackson Friedland, Henry Kaufman.
Location is UNM Track. Specific event times can be found on the NMAA website. Overnight stay. Late return on Saturday.
Team Competitions. Locations are Sierra Vista Tennis Complex and Jerry Cline Tennis Complex. Bracket details can be found on the NMAA website.
Location is SF Prep, Sun Mtn Field. Teams and game times TBD.