Players dismissed at 3:10 pm. Bus departs at 3:15 pm. Game location is Our Lady of Fatima, 520 Morningside Drive, NE, ABQ. Opponent is TBD. Estimated return time is 7:30 pm.
Bus departs at 9:15 am. Game location is 21st Century, 4300 Cutler Ave. NE, 87110. Opponent is 21st Century at 11:00 am. Estimated return time is 2 pm.
State Tournament, Round One. #3 LV Robertson hosts #14 SF Prep. Bus departs at 4pm. On line tickets only on sale starting Tuesday morning, 2/28. Tickets available through at the link found here. Further information on the NMAA website, brackets, ticket updates, etc.
Golden Spike Classic two day event. Location is Capital HS. Field events begin 3 PM. Running events begin 3:30 PM. First students dismissed at 1:25. Bus departs at 1:30. Second group dismissed at 3:30. Second bus departs at 3:40. Parents provide transportation home after event please.