MS Tennis Early Dismissal
Students Dismissed at 2:20 pm. Bus departs at 2:30 pm.
Students Dismissed at 2:20 pm. Bus departs at 2:30 pm.
Students Dismissed at 2:20 pm. Bus Departs at 2:30 pm.
Students Dismissed at 2:50 pm. Bus Departs at 3:00 pm.
Students Dismissed at 3:20 pm. Meet on Field at 3:30 pm.
Players dismissed at 2:50. Bus departs at 3:00. JV players may ride the bus or travel with parents to the game. C Team game at 4pm. JV game following at […]
Players dismissed at 2:50. Bus departs at 3:00. JV players may ride the bus or travel with parents to the game. C Team game at 4pm. JV game following at […]
C Team game at 4pm. JV game following at roughly 5pm. Varsity game following at roughly 6:30 pm. Parents please provide transportation home after the match. Ticket prices at St. […]